Self on self is not selfish but hallowed

We can take the idea of a self care – as one of a worker day module. It’s a unit. A schedule break that’s given, almost permission to be away from the task at hand. Not though, it’s actually a task in itself. A part of the machines mechanics. A very scheduled part of your own schedule. Taking your enjoyment, joy, break, and using your new found out to make sure you are doing the other things. It’s not given as a relationship its a part of the day in itself. It’s giving yourself a task for doing something different to your current one so you can focus on the current one better.

Like in coding, we are given threads when sufficiently advanced to use. Spacing pointers and their operations so that the whole program becomes, more effective. Using the computer’s computing power to compute something else while it waits for the rest of the task to be ready.

You can enjoy this threaded task. It’s not wrong. It’s not a bad thing to be self-aware of the task you have getting draining. Using up more of you than you need. You need to tame this beast.

“This task needs to be done so I must find a way”

Are you though taking a break from you? Or are you doing it for the task? Is this task bigger than you? Is it worth more than you? Are you working the task or is this task working you?

I’m not saying you should not be doing something you enjoy. You should. But let yourself enjoy it more. Don’t worry about your other task. Let yourself love yourself. Let go of the idea you are doing this for your task. You are doing it for you. Only for you.

You are worth it. You are the one doing this task. You are essential to this task being completed. You are the one with the training, the knowledge, the skills. You give this task your essence. You are in control of how well it is done. You are in control of how efficient it is. You are doing this self-care for you.

You are not your task. Never.