Bus stop: local pessimism only

Lichen growing on a tree nearby the pavement that makes up this place of waiting

Bus stop for the place you wait for a bus to come and consume you

When it’s done digesting, it spits you out and has moved you

How many people are needed to feed this huge beast every day?

Is it possible that one day it will become so hungry that the whole world in on one bus?

Maybe that’s what will be called the crush

I have a few friends on this bus, people I see only on my bus

It’s one of many

Like me they are consumed, digested moved, it’s a slow process each day we are on the bus twice each

Some get consumed more, I wonder if that will make them older, bolder, colder than me?

I sometimes find myself on the bus with no idea when I got on. The digestive system has gotten to my memory.

Do I actually get off the bus? Or is that a dream brought on by these same forces? Are we all just courses? For the ever consuming bus?